LYE BAR SOAP 6OZ *Brand Name: Grandma's *Sub Brand: Pure & Natural Lye *Scent: No *Antibacterial: No *Product Type: BarSoap *Container Size: 6 ounce *Number in Package: 1 pk *Packaging Type: Sleeve *Moisturizing: No *Flavor: Lye *Discovery ACC, SUP, EXP
WORKING HANDS 3.4OZ JAR *Brand Name: O'Keeffe's *Sub Brand: Working Hands *Scent: No *Product Type: Hand Repair Cream *Container Size: 3.4 oz *Number in Package: 1 pk *SPF: 30 SPF *UVA Protection: No *UVB Protection: No *Discovery SUP
HEALTHY FEET 3.2 OZ JAR *Brand Name: O'Keeffe's *Sub Brand: Healthy Feet *Scent: No *Product Type: Foot Repair Cream *Container Size: 3.2 oz *Number in Package: 1 pk *UVA Protection: No *UVB Protection: No *Discovery SUP
BLISTEX ASST BALM .15OZ *Brand Name: Blistex *Scent: Berry/Mint *Product Type: Medicated Lip Balm *Container Size: 0.15oz *Number in Package: 1 pk *SPF: 15 SPF *Discovery SUP, EXP
BURTS BEES BEESWAX LIP *Brand Name: Burt's Bees *Scent: Peppermint *Product Type: Lip Balm *Container Size: 0.15 oz *Number in Package: 72 pk
LIP BALM MOISTRZR POMGNT *Brand Name: Burt's Bees *Scent: Pomegranate *Product Type: Replenishing Lip Balm *Container Size: 0.15 oz *Number in Package: 1 pk
EPSOM SALT 4LB BAG *Brand Name: Swan *Product Type: Epsom Salt *Container Size: 4 lb *Number in Package: 1 pk *Packaging Type: Bagged
LIP BALM ORNG BLSM HONEY *Brand Name: The Naked Bee *Scent: Orange Blossom Honey *Product Type: Lip Balm *Container Size: .15 oz *Number in Package: 1 pk *Discovery SUP
The Naked Bee Hand Lotion 2.5 oz.
*Scent: Orange Blossom Honey
*Product Type: Hand Lotion
*Container Size: 2.5 oz.
*Number in Package: 1 pk
*Orange blossom honey scent
*Made with "All the good stuff, none of the bad stuff"
*Leaves hands feeling soft and smooth with organic aloe vera
SKIN REPAIR PUMP 12OZ *Brand Name: O'Keeffe's *Sub Brand: Skin Repair *Scent: No *Product Type: Body Lotion *Container Size: 12 oz *Number in Package: 1 pk *UVA Protection: No *UVB Protection: No *Packaging Type: Pump Spray
LIP BALM VAN/BEAN *Brand Name: Burt's Bees *Scent: Vanilla Bean *Product Type: Lip Balm *Container Size: 0.15 oz *Number in Package: 1 pk
SUNBLOCK LOTN 50SPF 8OZ *Brand Name: Banana Boat *Sub Brand: Sport Performance *Scent: No Added Fragrance *Product Type: Shielding Lotion *Container Size: 8 oz *Number in Package: 1 pk *SPF: 50 SPF *UVA Protection: Yes *UVB Protection: Yes